Aquatic Experience Chicago 2015


Booth 722

Boston, MA  
      United States

Buy a Fish, Save a Tree

Many find it surprising that wild capture of live fishes for public aquariums and the home aquarium hobby can, in cases go far beyond “sustainable”, and result in an overwhelming benefit for the environment, and people living in areas of biological importance. Since the fishery is of such importance to the residents, there is a very powerful and effective driver of environmental stewardship ingrained in the local culture. If one were to visit the town of Barcelos (the hub of the regional fishery) and introduced themselves as an assessor for a timber or mining company planning to move in to the area, that person would very likely have a very uncomfortable day.    

Project Piaba did not conceive of nor initiate this model. When it was observed however that humans can thrive in regions of biological importance, and through interdependence on the environment via the home aquarium trade, they are the protectors of the environment, it became noteworthy news to the conservation community. So many of the conservation challenges that we face seem to be beyond our control, and it is difficult at times to maintain hope. 

Product Categories

- Aquatic Live - Plants/Fish/Coral
- Live Animals