TRA 2018


Booth 228

Fort Worth, TX  
      United States

Tell your story! Create Excitement!

lobbyTV fills the gap of In-store and nearby advertising and makes your marketing dollars go further. Gone are the days of printing posters which takes time and is expensive to change posters are wallpapers to tell your story or update your menu or specials. With lobbyTV, you can show dynamic digital menus, update specials instantly and lets to tell your story effectively.

Tell your story, reinforce why the customer choose the restaurant, show tomorrow's specials, create excitement and make them come back more often. This takes your marketing dollars a step further.

lobbyTV provides integrations with several online ordering systems makign it easy to build your menu. You want to use your favourite tool like Powerpoint or Photoshop to build awesome menus? we support that too and we provide awesome templates to get up and running quickly. You can show your online right on your TV. With weather, social media and traffic integration, you are not limited to showing just the Menu, but create attention and engage the customers, so that they want to comeback often.

Product Categories

- Digital Signage

Furniture,Furnishings & Decorations
- Animated Displays

- Menu Systems
- Signs

Technology & Entertainment
- Communication Systems, Services & Equipment
- Computerized Training Services
- Menu Boards, Computerized
- Television, Satellite