2019 SVC TechCon


Booth 430


PLASUS GmbH is a leading manufacturer of spectroscopic plasma monitor systems for low-pressure as well as atmospheric pressure plasma applications. We provide high quality solutions for plasma spectroscopy, plasma monitoring and plasma process control. Our turnkey EMICON systems are most suitable for analysis and optimisation of plasma processes as well as active process control, e.g. in reactive sputter applications or for endpoint detection, quality control and fault detection.

PLASUS provides also a variety of in-vacuum optics components with coating protection device and the spectroscopic analysis software SpecLine for easy identification and analysis of spectral data with worldwide unique database for atoms, ions and molecules.

Product Categories

- Analytical instrumentation

Deposition Rate Monitoring/Control
- Optical emission spectroscopy

Mass Flow Measurement/Control
- Optical Emission Spectrometry

Plasma Diagnositics
- Optical Emission Spectrometry

Process Monitoring and Control
- Deposition rate monitors/controllers
- Gas and gas mixtures
- Optical emission spectroscopy

Vacuum/Plasma Gauges
- Optical emission spectroscopy