WOCN® Society’s 50th Annual Conference

Quinton PHSH 

Booth 246

Seattle, WA  
      United States

Up to 78% of people with stomas may develop parastomal hernias, which can have dangerous, painful, and expensive surgical consequences. We're a team of engineers and clinicians from the University of Washington who are developing a preventative solution to this problem. Our device, the Quinton PHSH (pronounced “fish”), is a non-elastic support belt that uses a rigid panel and torus (doughnut-shaped) system to protect the stoma and support the abdominal wall against hernias. The Quinton PHSH will restore quality of life to this growing population of patients and their families, allowing them to participate worry-free in the daily activities that enrich their lives. We would love to talk with you about our device and get your feedback based on your expertise with patients with ostomies!

Product Categories

- Consulting

Market Research
- Market Research

Ostomy Care
- Ostomy Care

Wound Care
- Assessing and Documenting
- Skin Care