TPE - Tobacco Plus Expo 2018


Booth 8062

Plano, TX  
      United States

Smokeless Marijuana Alternative

Now you can enjoy a unique and powerful legal high that you won't find anywhere else. Our products are created using industry best practices and every batch is third party tested. Legal in ALL 50 states, our oxygen infused terpenes contain 0% THC, 0% Pesticides and 0% Microbial Contaminants and No Solvents. 95% pure oxygen & cannabis derived terpene infusion boosts energy levels, increases your endurance during exercise, helps you bounce back more quickly from physical exertion, provides relief from stress and pollution, increases your concentration, helps you relax, and eases headaches and hangovers.

Product Categories

- Alternative Nicotine Products
- Dry Herb, Wax, & Oil Vaporizers
- E-Cigarettes
- Rolling Papers
- Smokeless Tobacco