The Sheep Show 2018

Southern Mountain Adventures, N.Z. 

Booth 644

      New Zealand

Southern Mountain Adventures' aim to deliver high quality trophies from large private areas and ensure your hunt is a never to be forgotten, enjoyable experience.  For 25 years we have hunted Red Stag, Tahr, Chamois, Fallow and more on a 100,000 acre ranch in New Zealand's Southern Alps.


Owner/guide Croc (David) Adams and his guides will look after you from your arrival in Queenstown and deliver you back to the international airport at the end of your stay. 


We look after your party in very comfortable lodgings in the heart of the hunting area, surrounded by mountain  glaciers, rivers and lakes. We welcome inquiries from groups and families and can customize hunting packages and additional activities accordingly. 



Product Categories

Additional Catagories
- Guided Trips & Vacations

Big Game Outfitter
- New Zealand