Parker Seminar Las Vegas 2019


Booth 641

Bridgeport, CT  
      United States

ChiroTherm unites thermography, a state of the art, radiation-free technology that detects temperature changes in the human body, with Chiropractic. Using thermographic imaging the chiropractor is able to easily document an injury or condition, determine cause or origination of pain, evaluate soft tissue injury or nerve pathology, and monitor progress of current treatments.  Thermography assists chiropractors in detecting and monitoring several conditions of the NMS system. Inflamation will present as excessive heat (red and white), while areas of nerve compression will show cold patterns (blue, purple and black) along the nerve’s dermatomal or distributional pathway.Thermography belongs in every chiropractor’s re-evaluation toolbox. Monitor for postural improvements, decreased inflammation, nerve decompression, improved vascular system circulation, increased lymphatic drainage and more.

Product Categories

- Chiropractic Equipment