2018 National Leadership Training

Interior Business Center 

Booth 4

Washington, DC  
      United States

The Interior Business Center is one of the several interagency shared service providers approved for operation by the Office of Management and Budget. We offer acquisition, financial management and human resources under a fee-for-service, full cost recovery business model.

For more than 30 years, IBC has supported Interior offices and bureaus and other federal agencies by providing business solutions that allow these organizations to focus on their core missions. Servicing multiple organizations within the federal government allows IBC to leverage resources, sharing economies and efficiencies with all its external customers as well as with its parent agency, the U.S. Department of the Interior.

IBC Service Offerings

Acquisition Financial Management ​Human Resources
From acquisition planning and solicitation to negotiation and award to administration and close-out. Over 20 years experience in contracts, grants, and cooperative agreements. Comprehensive financial management, accounting, and core financial system implementation and support, including indirect cost rate negotiations with non-federal entities, tribal governments and insular governments. Comprehensive set of personnel support services, including integrated payroll and human resources systems and services, drug and alcohol testing and personnel security. 

Product Categories

- Accounting Services
- Financial Services