AGA Operations Conference & Biennial Exhibition

TRUVAC by Vactor Manufacturing, Inc. 

Booth 302

      United States

With so many costs associated with striking a utility, excavating in this environment requires safe digging processes. Vactor Manufacturing has developed a safer, easy-to-use alternative for municipalities for uncovering buried utilities, precision and slot trenching, potholing, water valve box repair and locating of existing fiber optic lines, cables and other utilities. The full-sized Vactor HXX Hydro-Excavator® is versatile enough to handle potholing, waterline repair, slot trenching, directional drilling, sign and pole installation, pipe and line installation and other large-volume excavation. The Vactor HXX Prodigy vacuum excavator, featuring a compact, lightweight design, can perform in all climatic and soil conditions, including frozen soil and sub-zero temperatures, using either air or water as a non-destructive digging medium.

Product Categories

- environmental

- underground damage prevention