Outdoor Retailer + Snow Show 2019

Ross Snow Tech (RST) 

Where It All Began...

Whether it began early in our lives or as an unexpected surprise, the love of snowboarding is overpowering.It started at the resorts. Learning the snow, how it speaks to the board. Tweaking and tuning our body to ease ourselves into the conversation. Slowly, our understanding builds, layering on every tumble and turn, catwalk and lift line. Each skill mastered introduces us to the next skill, unknown. The process of introduction, repetition, enjoyment and discovery persists in our relationship to our gear and the white of winter.

At RST, we are immersed in this relationship. Born in the Colorado Rockies, our love of snowboarding has taken us from the classroom, that is the resorts, to the uncharted, untouched powder beyond the ropes.

The transition was exciting but not necessarily easy. As snowboarders, accessing the side or back country came at both a physical and financial expense…so we did something about it.

Come see us at Booth 34027-UL to see what we did!

-Ross Snow Tech