American Handcrafted Philadelphia 2019

Good Nature Essentials 

Candles that are as good for you as they smell!

Candles, they are loved for their ambiance, scent, and toxicity. Wait, what? Candles are indeed loved for how they fill your home with the smells... More...

A Shampoo Bar that is good for you and the environment.

In the search for natural products people are no longer looking for things that are only good for them, but also are good for... More...

Budding Potential and a Blossoming Business

What happens when a serial-entrepreneur begins making soap? Good Nature Essentials, that’s what happens. A store whose inception began duri... More...

Magnesium, nature’s gift to you.

Have you been hearing all the hubbub around magnesium lately? Well, it is definitely warranted! Magnesium is an important mineral found... More...