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AttackIQ Names Brett D. Galloway as CEO

st-growing innovator in continuous security validation

SAN DIEGO, CA – November 20, 2018 -- AttackIQ™, a leader in the emerging market of continuous security validation, today announced the appointment of Brett D. Galloway as the company’s Chief Executive Office (CEO). A seasoned chief executive, Galloway brings to the company proven leadership in establishing and gaining traction in new markets, fielding industry-leading technologies, and achieving sustained, accelerated growth.

Galloway brings more than 30 years of executive and entrepreneurial experience in the technology industry, most recently co-founding Mist Systems and serving as its Chairman. He is the former president and CEO of Airespace, which was sold to Cisco in 2005. Galloway served as the Senior Vice President of the Network Services Group and Enterprise Strategy at Cisco.  He was also the co-founder, chief operating officer and later CEO of Packeteer, which launched an initial public offering (IPO) on the NASDAQ in 1999.

“Brett has demonstrated an outstanding ability to innovate and drive success at the helm of highly successful technology companies,” said Carl Wright, Chief Commercial Officer of AttackIQ.  “Over the past year, AttackIQ has proven that our open system testing platform offers enterprise customers the best path to validating and fine tuning their security controls, processes, and people. Brett is the right leader to ensure that we continue to accelerate the adoption of AttackIQ and optimally serve a rapidly growing market opportunity.”

“Based on its team and technology, AttackIQ is assuming a role as a thought leader and solution provider for continuous security validation,” said Jon Oltsik, Sr. Principal Analyst and Fellow, ESG.  “The addition of top-tier executive talent like Brett Galloway will help AttackIQ build relationships with large enterprise organizations.”

Leveraging the MITRE ATT&CK framework, a curated repository of adversarial techniques and methods, AttackIQ helps enterprises determine the effectiveness of their current security tools, processes and people by identifying baseline readiness, overlaps and gaps in defenses.  With its highly customizable, automated and easy-to-use platform, AttackIQ offers new insights and accurate feedback to strengthen the security posture of top brands and government agencies around the world.

“AttackIQ’s continuous security validation solution is the missing piece to assure that an enterprise's security program is effective,” said Galloway. “I look forward to leading initiatives that further enhance our best-in-class solutions and accelerate global adoption.”

For more information, visit www.attackiq.com.

About AttackIQ
AttackIQ, a leader in the emerging market of continuous security validation, built the industry’s first platform that enables red and blue teams to test and measure the effectiveness of their security controls and staff. An open platform, FireDrill™ supports the MITRE ATT&CK Matrix, a curated knowledge base and model for cyber adversary behavior used for planning security improvements and verifying defenses work as expected. AttackIQ’s platform is trusted by leading companies around the world. For more information visit www.attackiq.com. Follow AttackIQ on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and YouTube.