2016 Global Identity Summit


Rob Lefferts

Rob Lefferts
Director, Enterprise and Security Program Management Team in the Windows & Devices Group

Rob Lefferts leads the Enterprise and Security Program Management Team in the Windows & Devices Group at Microsoft.  Rob is responsible for planning and delivering the Windows enterprise experience, while at the same time ensuring that everyone that uses Windows is as safe and secure as possible.  In addition, Rob also leads WDG Operational Security that helps protects both customer data and Microsoft’s intellectual property. 

Prior to this role, Rob lead the Office Extensibility team, responsible for the Office platform across clients, servers and services, including O365 APIs, Add-Ins, Access and the end-to-end developer and app experience.  Rob has been at Microsoft since 1997, and was part of the original core team for SharePoint Portal server. Rob holds a BS and MS from Carnegie Mellon in Pittsburgh, PA.

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