2016 AFCEA Defensive Cyber Operations Symposium


Mr. David Egts

Mr. David Egts
Chief Technologist, North America Public Sector
Red Hat

David Egts is the Chief Technologist of Red Hat's Public Sector organization. As the intersection between between public sector customers and Red Hat engineering and product management, his customer interactions and domain expertise blend customer needs with industry trends to help Red Hat define open source computing in the enterprise. He has achieved Red Hat's highest level of certification as a Red Hat Certified Architect (RHCA), and has received Red Hat's highest employee honor as a Red Hat Chairman's Award recipient. David has a BS and MS in Computer Science from the University of Pittsburgh, and an Executive MBA from the Katz Graduate School of Business at the University of Pittsburgh. He is an active member of AFCEA DC and their Emerging Technologies Working Group, and promotes open source and STEM at the Akron Linux User Group. Prior to joining Red Hat in 2007, he specialized in visual simulation, virtual reality, human computer interfaces, and scientific visualization at Silicon Graphics, Inc. Follow David on Twitter at @davidegts and catch his weekly technology podcast at http://dgshow.org.

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