2017 AFCEA Defensive Cyber Operations Symposium


Alfred J. Rivera

Alfred J. Rivera
Director, Business and Development Center
Defense Information Systems Agency

Mr. Rivera is the Director, Development and Business Center, Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA). In this capacity, has overall responsibility for development of DISA's core services and capabilities supporting the Department of Defense's mission partners. Overall responsibility for mission partner engagement and requirements processes for the Agency to include technical feasibility studies, new innovation, proposal development, and overall mission partner portfolio management. As Center Director, also serves as key executive for industry and public affairs. Prior to assuming this key leadership position, Mr. Rivera was the Principal Director for Enterprise Services. In this position he had overall responsibility for the operations and sustainment of DISA’s fourteen Enterprise Computing Centers and delivered DoD’s enterprise services that are under DISA’s responsibility. As Principal Director, he led approximately 3,800 personnel in the operations of the DoD’s combat support applications. Mr. Rivera was born in Bisbee, Arizona, and graduated from Bisbee High School in 1980. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Arizona in Mechanical Engineering and a Master of Science degree from the University of Maryland in Information Technology Management. He also completed the Senior Executive Fellows program at Harvard University, Kennedy School of Government, in 1996. Mr. Rivera is the recipient of the 2006 Presidential Rank (Meritorious Service) Award and the 2009 Presidential Rank (Distinguished Service) Award. Mr. Rivera currently resides in Maryland.

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