
Janna Michelle Hale

Janna Michelle Hale
My Daughter's

Janna Michelle is the founder of a girl centered organization known as My Daughter's that was founded after realizing that adolescent girls need more tools to develop mentally for their personal tailored journeys and growth. Janna Michelle is a speaker, mentor, counselor and coach with a mission to inspire, and empower audiences of diverse backgrounds by delivering unique workshops and motivational speeches. She is able to captivate, engage, and educate through humor and high energy that leaves a lasting impression after each presentation. Janna Michelle has over 8 years of experience working with teen girls and  began to notice there was a need for programs that reached them on a different level. Knowing her background, she had an understanding of what it takes to reach them in such a vital state of their lives. Her leadership roles during her collegiate years helped transform Janna Michelle  into the leader she is today. Since earning her Masters Degree in counseling, Janna Michelle  has held many leadership roles including  her leadership roles as Lead Counselor for Teen Leadership Group Therapy for Children's First Counseling Center and today she currently serves as mentor for young women and adolescent girls from 11 to 25 years of age. Janna Michelle is looking forward to working with girls everywhere to continue to be the change!

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