AUVSI's Unmanned Systems 2016


John Burke

John Burke
Airbus Group, Inc.

John Burke is the Airbus vice president and program manager for the UH-72A Lakota Helicopter Program and the Airbus Huntsville (AL) lead executive. His previous experience includes a full career in the Army achieving the rank of colonel. His military duties included several Pentagon assignments in Aviation, Intelligence & Electronic Warfare Systems, and Communications & Software Engineering. He was the Headquarters Department of the Army Integrated Process Team (IPT) lead for Unmanned Systems and Deputy G-3 (Operations) Aviation. His PM experience includes Project Manager for Army Unmanned Aircraft Systems, Product Manager for the Apache Attack Helicopter Longbow Fire Control Radar and Apache Simulator Programs, Comanche Fire Control Radar, NATO C2 Systems, and Tactical Command and Control Database Systems. He also serves as Chairman of AUVSI's Board of Directors.

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