2017 Wisconsin Cheese Industry Conference


Gary Meyer

Gary Meyer
Director, Office of Veterans Services
Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development

Gary M Meyer is the Director of the State of Wisconsin, Department of Workforce Development Employment and Training Division's Office of Veterans Services. He leads a team of 41 professional staff stationed in Job Center Offices throughout Wisconsin. His team promotes veterans as a valuable resource to Wisconsin's workforce. His team also provides the intensive service necessary to assist veterans that face barriers while transitioning from military service. He provides overall direction and vision for the program, and administers a 3.1 million dollar Veterans State Grant Program. In addition, he serves on the National Association of State Workforce Agency Veterans Affairs Committee that guides program initiates throughout the country. He has a Bachelor Degree in both Communication and Management with and emphasis in strategic planning, quality improvement and organizational behavior. He successfully completed the State of Wisconsin's Enterprise Management Academy before he was named Director. He's worked within veteran employment and training field for 30 years serving as a Disabled Veteran Outreach Specialist, a Local Veteran Employment Representative-Lead Worker and a regional supervisor before his current position. He is a US Air Force Veteran and a life member of the DAV. He's served as a DAV State Commander, a Department Adjutant and now serves as the DAV's Department Employment Chairman.

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