2016 Global Identity Summit


Adam Culbertson

Adam Culbertson
Innovator in Residence

Mr. Adam W. Culbertson is currently the HIMSS, Innovator-In-Residence at HHS with a focus on patient matching.  Mr. Culbertson has a dual appointment with the Office of the Chief Technology Officer at Health and Human Services (IDEA Lab) and the Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT.  While in this role he is responsible to advancing and advocating innovative solutions to help advance patient matching and interoperability.  He is working on a nationwide attribute study to determine which attributes are available for matching.  Additionally his main project focuses is on the measurement of patient matching algorithms and establishing ground truth data sets for the purpose of benching marking patient matching algorithms.  He has been a tireless advocate for the moto “If you don’t measure it you can’t improve it”. 

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