2015 Global Identity Summit


Jeremy Geisel

Jeremy Geisel
Senior Investigator
Capital One

Jeremy Geisel is a Sr. Regional Investigator for Capital One credit card portfolio; he began his credit card career with Chase Bank in 2002 where he spent over 10 years investigating credit card fraud cases within the Southeastern US. Jeremy has a Degree in Criminology from the University of South Florida (GO BULLS!) as well as certifications as a CFCI and a CFE. Currently he is the managing Investigator for the SE Region for Capital One, and is tasked with working large scale criminal investigations and identifying trends through the use of various analytical tools; he works directly with law enforcement and the courts to hold accountable the individuals committing the fraud. Currently Jeremy is focusing a majority of his efforts on closing down two major criminal rings, one that is utilizing new mobile wallet technology and the other that is using old counterfeit technology. These two rings are estimated to have hit industry wide for over 6 million dollars.

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