SpaceCom 2017


Matthew Duggan

Matthew Duggan
Systems Engineering Manager
The Boeing Company

Matthew Duggan is the Mission Management & Operations Manager for The Boeing Company and leads operations and real-time engineering support for Boeing human spaceflight programs. Previously, he was the Exploration Manager, responsible for leading advanced development projects on architectures to extend human presence to cislunar space, the moon, and Mars; the ISS Integrated Analysis manager, responsible for multi-disciplinary engineering analysis for the International Space Station program; the ISS Systems Integration manager, responsible for leading ISS technical integration across all ISS system teams; and the ISS Mission Operations manager, responsible for leadership of the real-time ISS sustaining engineering. Matthew graduated in 1988 from Texas A&M University with a BS in Mechanical Engineering and in 1990 from Texas A&M University with an MS in Mechanical Engineering.

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