2018 NSC Congress & Expo


Shannon Corgan

Shannon Corgan
Director of Marketing
WorkMax by AboutTime Technologies

With over 11 years’ experience as a technology marketing strategist, her main focus has been on the construction industry. At WorkMax, Shannon leads the international marketing strategy for AboutTime Technologies’ cloud-based Modern Resource Management platform to track labor, assets, forms, and service scheduling. Prior to WorkMax, she led marketing strategy and execution for the cloud division of Insight Enterprises, a multi-billion dollar company. She also led international channel and direct marketing for the industry leader in Project Cost Management, InEight (formerly The Hard Dollar Corporation). Shannon began her construction technology marketing career for an Autodesk reseller driving record high revenue for the Government, Educational, and Commercial Architectural, Educational, and Engineering markets for CAD and BIM solutions. She's won numerous awards for AboutTime Technologies and WorkMax including Most Innovative Product for 2015-2017 and Constructech Vision Awards 2016 -2018.

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