Indian Gaming Tradeshow 2019


Chris Eyre

Chris Eyre
Director/ Producer - Film and TV
Riverhead, LLC

Chris Eyre (Cheyenne/Arapaho) has been described as "the preeminent Native American filmmaker of his time" by People magazine. Eyre is an internationally recognized film and television director and producer who has received many awards, including a Peabody, an Emmy and Sundance Audience Award. Eyre’s film “EDGE OF AMERICA (2004)” was selected as the “Opening Night” film at the 2004 Sundance Film Festival, and garnered Eyre the highly prestigious, Outstanding Directorial Achievement from the Directors Guild of America (DGA). Eyre has directed and/or produced fifteen -feature films. Including Eyre’s SXSW Award Winner for Best Cinematography “HIDE AWAY (2012)” starring Josh Lucas and James Cromwell released theatrically in May 2012. Eyre has received many awards including, a NHK/Sundance Cinema 100 Award ($300,000), a Humanitas Prize, a United States Artists fellowship ($50,000), an Independent Spirit Award nomination and a Bush Fellowship Award ($50,000). In 2017, Eyre was named Honorary Chair at the University of Hawaii in memory of the late Senator Daniel Inouye. In 2018, “SMOKE SIGANALS (1998) was inducted by the Library of Congress to the National Film Registry for an American the movie of historic and cultural significance to be preserved for all time. In 2015, Eyre executive produced the documentary feature film “THE SEVENTH FIRE (2015),” with fellow producers Terrence Malick and Natalie Portman. Most recently, Eyre’s company created and supervised the Native American cultural-team that advised language and Cheyenne culture for the Christian Bale feature film “HOSTILES (2018)." Eyre is currently developing a television series with fellow producers George RR Martin (Game of Thrones) and Robert Redford. Chris Eyre resides in Santa Fe, New Mexico, where he also serves on the Governor’s Film and Television Advisory Board. He is represented by attorney Eric Feig in Los Angeles.

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