2015 Annual Training Conference & Anti-Fraud Expo


Kristine Bordenave, MD, FACP

Kristine Bordenave, MD, FACP
Lead Medical Director, Special Investigations Unit & Provider Payment and Integrity

Kristine Bordenave MD  FACP is the Lead Medical Director for  Humana’s Claim’s Cost Management organization with a focus on Fraud/Waste/Abuse, Medicare regulation, tailored improvement and the integration of institutional experience to decrease/prevent leakage. Board certified in Internal Medicine with 20 years of research and clinical practice, she is driven by the desire to ensure efficient high quality resources for future generations. She is a member of several organizations including: The National Health Care Anti-fraud Association, Clinical Research Exchange, American College of Physician Executives, the American College of Physicians and the Academy of Managed Care Pharmacy and serves on multiple committees. Awards include, Women In Healthcare & Life Sciences Role Model Runway 2014, Institute of Medicine-Chicago fellow, Bristol Myer Squibb National Fellowship Mentor’s Award, Outstanding Service to Medical Education, and People Living Through Cancer Award. She has multiple publications/presentations related to chronic disease, systems redesign and population genetics.

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