Homebrew Con 2019


George "Butch" Heilshorn

George "Butch" Heilshorn
Founder/Owner Talisman Spirits, Author of Against All Hops, Co-Founder Earth Eagle Brewings
Earth Eagle Brewings

Butch Heilshorn began homebrewing after he read about gruit, beer flavored with plants other than hops. Unable to buy gruits commercially, he began to brew them with brother-in-law Alex McDonald in 2009. After brewing every weekend for the next three years, the pair opened Earth Eagle Brewings, a nanobrewery in Portsmouth, N.H., that serves both hopped and non-hopped beers. Heilshorn wrote a book about his herbal adventures titled Against All Hops, which was published in 2017. He left Earth Eagle in 2018 to start a new business, Talisman Spirits, which brings his botanical experiences to the world of distilled spirits.

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