Euro Attractions Show 2018


Alan Love

Alan Love
Choice Insight Ltd

Alan Love set up Choice Insight Ltd to undertake market research in leisure & culture, travel & tourism nine years ago. IAAPA has been a major client since 2012, with the European Ride Safety Report and other studies. When Alan’s career started in 1975, that office contained slide rules and a telex machine, and men wore suits and ties to work every day. Alan’s first visit to Disneyland Paris was in suit and tie and carrying a brief-case, following a meeting with their market research team. Alan’s first leisure client was Madame Tussaud’s (in the days when Merlin was still only King Arthur’s wizard). Alan’s most recent leisure clients at Choice Insight are London’s Winter Wonderland, and the Watercress Line, a preserved steam railway 60km from London. The first theme park that Alan visited was Codona’s Pleasure Beach in Aberdeen in the 1950s.

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