2016 WOCN® Society & CAET Joint Conference


Jennifer Hurley

Jennifer Hurley
Continuing Edu. & Accreditation

"For more than a decade, Jen has held a leadership role in healthcare services companies, most significantly in the area of continuing education and project management. She directs risk management and education strategies, and develops technological solutions for healthcare organizations to improve the quality of care. Her experience has been honed by working with hundreds of healthcare entities, listening to their challenges, and creatively solving for them using a combination of technology and systems improvement methodologies. She regularly synthesizes industry data and trend information to derive opportunities for learning. Jen is an advocate for health information security, consults on healthcare cyber risk management programs, and develops continuing education programs for The Sullivan Group on this topic. Jen is a member of the American Society of Healthcare Risk Management (ASHRM), Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society, the Colorado Alliance for Continuing Medical Education (CACME), and the Colorado chapter of ASHRM, CHARM. She serves as Chair of the ASHRM webinars task force and is the president-elect at CHARM."

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