ASPE 2016


Lynne Jack

Lynne Jack

Professor Lynne Jack, PhD, CEng, FCIBSE, FSoPHE, MIET, FHEA, is Director of Heriot-Watt University’s Royal Academy of Engineering Centre of Excellence in Sustainable Building Design in Edinburgh and is also Deputy Head of the School of Energy, Geosciences, Infrastructure, and Society. She is a Chartered Engineer, a Fellow of the UK Chartered Institution of Buildings Services Engineers, and a Fellow of the UK Society of Public Health Engineers. She has been an active researcher since 1993, securing her PhD in 1997 and taking up her first full-time academic teaching post in 1999. Lynne’s main areas of research lie in the modelling of air pressure transient propagation in building drainage ventilation systems, the simulation of rainwater drainage systems for the purposes of performance assessment, and the assessment of design implications following the integration of low-water-use fixtures. In 2015, Lynne was nominated to, and took the role of, Chair of the Scientific Committee of the CIB (Conseil International du Batiment) W62 Working Group, an international research organization addressing water supply and drainage for buildings. In addition, she was recently appointed to the World Plumbing Council’s Education and Training Committee, which is charged with the dissemination of relevant research findings.

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