HFMA Annual Conference 2018


Todd Nelson, FHFMA, MBA

Todd Nelson, FHFMA, MBA
Director, Partner Relationships and Chief Partnership Executive

As Director, Partner Relationships and Chief Partnership Executive at HFMA, Todd is responsible for developing and overseeing HFMA's partnership strategy with academic institutions, associations, and industry partners. Todd develops collaborative relationships across all sectors of the industry, for both HFMA members and non-members. Todd brings to this role more than eight years of experience at HFMA, which include creating, leading, and executing the organization's overall educational strategy; creating content in the areas of leadership, senior financial executives, and accounting; and providing staff support to HFMA's Principles and Practices Board. Throughout his tenure at HFMA, Todd has consistently championed the collaboration, communication, and translation of financial information among financial, revenue cycle, and clinical staff. Prior to joining HFMA, Todd was the Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of a rural Midwest hospital for over 15 years, focused on finance and operational areas. He also served in a volunteer role on the HFMA Senior Financial Executive National Advisory Committee, as well as Chapter President, and Regional Executive. Todd received his undergraduate degree in Business Administration, as well as his MBA from the University of Iowa. Todd makes his home in a window seat on United Airlines.

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