AOA-33 Annual Educational Conference


Danielle DeMaio-DeAngelis

Danielle DeMaio-DeAngelis

Thomas Jefferson University Department of Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery

Danielle DeMaio-DeAngelis has been in the healthcare field for 26 years. She has been at Thomas Jefferson University in Philadelphia, PA for 15 years. She was the billing coordinator for eight family medicine satellite offices for two years. She also assisted in the management of the operations and billing for these offices. Danielle obtained the position as Director of Operation at the Department of Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery at Thomas Jefferson University where she has been employed since 1999. Currently, she is currently the Administrator for the Department. She has obtained her CPC (Certified Procedural Coder) and COPM (Certified Otolaryngology Practice Manager) certifications. Danielle earned a BS in Health Services Management from Thomas Jefferson University – College for Health Professions and most recently her Masters in Healthcare Administration at St. Joseph’s University, Philadelphia, PA. Danielle is married to a very supportive and wonderful man and has four sons, ages 11 to 23. She enjoys spending time with her husband and being a “mom”. She enjoys watching her kids play sports and watching them obtain their own goals and dreams.

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