FETC 2018


Howie DiBlasi

Howie DiBlasi
Digital Journey

Dr. Howie DiBlasi has extensive career experience, including; a classroom teacher for twenty years, a retail business owner for ten years and a CIO for the Durango School District for fifteen years. For the past ten years he has been an educational technology consultant, providing services to thousands of educational leaders, administrators and teachers from Boston to Bangkok. He has been recognized by the Center for Interactive Learning and Collaboration with the "Pinnacle Award" for outstanding Professional Development Programs and is a past award recipient of the Arizona "Teacher of the Year". He was nominated as a finalist in the “Top Secondary Leaders in America”, awarded the "Outstanding Young Educator" by the Jaycees and has been listed in "Outstanding Young Educators of America." He is a published author, with two bestselling books, “Designing Disney Inspired Classrooms”, and “Edmagineering Future Ready Classrooms”.

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