2017 Face & Body Southeast


Julia Perales

Julia Perales
Brand Development Coordinator
Paloma Belle Organic Skin Care

Combining a business background in finance with professional licensure as both an esthetician and an esthetic instructor, Julia Perales has over 30 years’ experience in the skin care industry. She has led startups, created product lines, developed services, managed operations, trained estheticians and taken spas to best of status. Perales has taught for many years at Atlanta Institute of Aesthetics, and this year she stepped into the role of brand development coordinator for Paloma Belle Organic Skin Care. Paloma Belle Organic Skin Care is a collection of products developed by professional estheticians, for professional estheticians in a clinical setting, using all natural, organic ingredients. Perales is thrilled to be working with a product line that is unconditionally committed to maintaining the beauty, health and safety of skin care professionals; the integrity of the environment; and to raising awareness of the benefits of personalized holistic skin care.

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