2016 AFCEA TechNet Augusta Conference and Expo


Mr. Eric Bassel

Mr. Eric Bassel
Chief Operating Officer
SANS Institute

After graduating from the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, Mr. Bassel deployed to combat with the 101st Airborne Division as an Assault Helicopter Platoon Leader. His platoon was part of the initial invasion into Iraq in Operation Desert Storm. Upon return from combat, he assessed and trained to become a Special Forces Pilot for the 160th Special Operations Regiment. He deployed on numerous special operations missions as an attack helicopter platoon leader and operations officer during his 5 years with the 160th. After 9 years in the Army, Mr. Bassel left the service and attended Harvard Business School. Upon graduation, he went to work for Alcoa, serving in a variety of positions and was eventually named the president of a division with operations in the United States, Europe and China. After four years as division president, Mr. Bassel left Alcoa and joined SANS Institute, seeing it as an opportunity to serve his country once again as it faced threats in cyber terrorism. Over the past six years at SANS, Eric has worked with all four services and other government agencies in developing innovative methods to train and prepare them for cyber warfare including helping with the design of NetWars and CyberCity.

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