2018 The Landscape Show


Kevin Kenworthy

Kevin Kenworthy

University of Florida

Dr. K.E. Kenworthy is a Professor of Turfgrass Breeding and Genetics at the University of Florida, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, where he has held a faculty position since 2004 in the Agronomy Department. Dr. Kenworthy’s Ph.D in Crop Science, Plant breeding and Genetics, is from Oklahoma State University, and his M.S. and B.S are from Texas Tech University in Crop Science and Agronomy respectively. Dr. Kenworthy’s teaching program includes and undergraduate course in Genetics and a graduate course in Plant Breeding Techniques. His background is in germplasm collection and development of grasses, turfgrass management, and the characterization of phenotypic variation for many traits in warm-season turfgrass species. As the lead investigator in cultivar development at the University of Florida, he has developed a collaborative approach that integrates faculty across IFAS departments, and partners with Florida’s sod industry.

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