AGA 2016 Professional Development Training


Matt McKillop

Matt McKillop
Research Officer, State Fiscal Health and Economic Growth
The Pew Charitable Trusts

Matt McKillop researches state fiscal health and economic growth at Pew, including managing the expansion of Fiscal 50, Pew’s interactive resource that allows users to sort and analyze data on key fiscal, economic, and demographic trends in the 50 states and understand their impact on states’ fiscal health. Additionally, he leads Pew’s research on state and local correctional health care. Pew conducts research on correctional health care spending and performance to help policymakers access the information they need to make data-driven policy decisions. Prior to joining Pew, he led advocacy and community organizing campaigns for So Others Might Eat, a nonprofit organization that serves poor and homeless residents of the District of Columbia. McKillop holds his master’s degree in public policy from The George Washington University and a bachelor’s degree in political science from Kalamazoo College.

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