2017 NSC Congress & Expo


William "Bill" Cochran

William "Bill" Cochran
Area Director
U.S. Department of Labor - OSHA

I have been with OSHA in Region IV for 20 years. I began my career with OSHA as a Safety Engineer in the Atlanta West Area Office in Smyrna, GA where I conducted over 500 compliance inspections and numerous accident and fatality investigations in general industry and construction. I was promoted to the position of Assistant Area Director and Response Team Leader in the Atlanta East Area Office in Tucker, GA. As Assistant Area Director, I lead a team of safety specialists, safety engineers, and industrial hygienists and was responsible for the response activities including accident investigations and complaints inspections as well as the day-to-day enforcement activities of the Area Office. I currently serve as the Area Director for the Nashville Area Offices. As the Area Director, I am responsible for the oversight of the federal OSHA program in the states of Tennessee and Kentucky including enforcement at federal worksites including federal contractors and the inland maritime industry. In addition, my duties include working with and monitoring the state OSHA programs in those states.

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