2017 Annual Meeting &Exposition


Kristi Bajer

Kristi Bajer
Vice President of Clinical Operations
OperaCare LLC

Kristi Bajer, RN, BSN has been in home health for a decade. Starting out as a case manager, she has held positions as director of nursing, administrator and finally as regional manager over 6 home health branches. During her time in home health management, Kristi developed evidence based pathways for the top DRG readmission diagnosis, decreasing her agencies readmission rate by 70%. She also maintained error free surveys from The Joint Commission. Kristi is now vice president of clinical operations at OperaCare, LLC, which developed a two-to-three-hour admission process to increase OASIS accuracy, increase cash flow, improve outcomes, and give clinicians their life back. Kristi assists agencies with external chart audits and Medicare appeals, as well as providing training and coaching on OperaCare implementation and building QAPI programs using data to drive success and protect agencies from government audits.

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