2017 Face & Body Southeast


Monique Martineau

Monique Martineau
Mindfulness Mentor & Speaker

Monique Martineau is an ambassador for the wisdom movement. She’s studied with many masters from different wisdom traditions and was invited to work for one of them: Deepak Chopra. In 2001, she moved to the SF Bay Area for ongoing studies with internationally renowned teacher Adyashanti, from the Zen tradition. Her mission, for over 20 years, has been to pass on what she’s learned to 1000’s of people through speaking and mindfulness mentoring. Coaching clients are health practitioners, entrepreneurs, engineers and executives, including hundreds of IBMers for wellness coaching. Past speaking clients include NASA, B of A, Cisco, Wisdom 2.0 Conferences, and many women’s networks. Fun facts: Monique loves to be spoiled in a spa as well as dance two hours every Sunday morning. Visit her on Facebook, YouTube, MoniqueMartineau.com, and WisdomMovement.org.

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