HR Technology® Conference & Exposition 2017


Matt Charney

Matt Charney
Executive Editor
Recruiting Daily

Matt Charney is the Executive Editor and Partner at Recruiting Daily, where he oversees editorial and industry coverage, partnerships and content strategy. Matt has been recognized as one of the top bloggers in recruiting and hiring by such publications as HR Magazine, HRO Today, the Huffington Post, Fast Company and Wordpress, who named as one of the world's 25 best business blogs. Matt began his career as a corporate recruiter for such companies as Walt Disney and Warner Bros before moving into marketing leadership roles at a variety of HR Technology companies, including Monster, Cornerstone OnDemand and Talemetry. He currently serves as an advisor for HR and hiring focused startups such as Textio, Clinch, HiringSolved, Rolepoint, Take The Interview, Universum, Better Company, Kununu, Relink Labs and Human Predictions, among others. Follow him on Twitter @MattCharney or connect with him on LinkedIn.

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