2017 Annual Conference


Katie Barckholtz

Katie Barckholtz

Katie Barckholtz, MPH, RD, LD works as part of the Cy-Fair Nutrition Services team as the Marketing and Special Diets Coordinator. She manages district-wide marketing and promotion efforts, and food allergy and dysphagia diet accommodations for students. Katie’s career in food and nutrition began at The Methodist Hospital in the Houston Medical Center, where she worked as a clinical dietitian caring for patients from intensive care to rehabilitation. She moved to Dairy Max, the local dairy council where she collaborated with schools and health professionals to encourage healthy and active lifestyles for students and the community. Upon joining Cy-Fair Nutrition Services, Katie worked as a Field Supervisor for several elementary, middle, and high school cafes before moving into the Marketing and Special Diets position. Katie graduated from Texas A&M with a Bachelor’s of Science in Nutrition Science, and completed her dietetic internship and Master of Public Health at the University of Texas School of Public Health in Houston. She makes her home in Jersey Village with her husband and two young daughters.

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