Petfood Forum 2016


Victoria Stilwell

Victoria Stilwell
Victoria Stilwell Positively Dog Training

Stilwell is CEO of the Victoria Stilwell Positively Dog Training global network of positive reinforcement dog trainers and reaches audiences in over 100 countries with her philosophy of positive training methods. She is the editor-in-chief of, which features leading veterinary behaviorists, dog trainers and behavioral scientists, and is author of three books: It's Me or the Dog: How to Have the Perfect Pet, Fat Dog Slim: How to Have a Healthy, Happy Pet (both bestsellers) and Train Your Dog Positively. Besides starring in her TV shows, she produces a Positively Podcast series, available globally, and several shows for her own YouTube channel. She is a regular columnist for several magazines and has been featured in numerous journals, magazines and newspapers. Stilwell is committed to helping the cause of animal rescue and rehabilitation and is heavily involved with organizations around the world, including co-founding the national Dog Bite Prevention conference series, serving the American Humane Association in several roles and participating in the advisory boards of Red Rover, Dog TV, Dognition and Canine Assistants. Stilwell was named 2009’s Dog Trainer of the Year at the Purina ProPlan Dog awards and was the recipient of the 2011 Excellence in Journalism and Outstanding Contributions to the Pet Industry Award. She is a member of the US Association of Pet Dog Trainers and the International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants.

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