DISTRIBUTECH International 2020


Scott Osterholt

Scott Osterholt
Director, Grid Modernization
AEP Ohio

Scott Osterholt oversees the deployment of emerging technologies and how to successfully integrate them into the electric distribution grid. He leads AEP Ohio's Smart Grid programs: “smart meters” or Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI), Distribution Automation Circuit Reconfiguration (DACR) and Volt/VAR Optimization (VVO). His team studies innovations such as grid batteries, sensors and the fiber connections that will enable customers to obtain high-speed broadband connectivity in areas that are currently underserved. Osterholt joined AEP Ohio in 1996 with the Distribution Region Engineering Group in Chillicothe. He has since served in various management and project management roles before being appointed in 2009 to lead all Smart Grid activities. In total, he has nearly 30 years of experience working in engineering, telecommunications and emerging technologies and has testified as an expert witness on grid modernization technologies at the state regulatory commission.

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