National Institute 2019


Timothy Gilsbach

Timothy Gilsbach
Special Education Attorney
King Spry Herman Freund & Faul

Mr. Gilsbach is an attorney with KingSpry, concentrating his practice in litigation, employment and special education law. He works with school districts, charter schools and intermediate units on a wide array of education law issues. Since 2008, Mr. Gilsbach has represented education entities through numerous IEP meetings and litigated dozens of special education matters, from administrative due process hearing to appeals through the Federal District Courts and Courts of Appeals. In addition, Mr. Gilsbach advises school entities on special education matters prior to and in order to avoid litigation and on policies and practices. He is a frequent speaker on a variety of legal topics for statewide and local conferences, as well as Pennsylvania Bar Institute and National Business Institute. Mr. Gilsbach has also presented numerous in-house workshops for schools districts, charter schools and intermediate units on a wide array of education law topics. In addition, he has written numerous articles on special education law and other topics related to his practice, and is often called upon to comment for publications on trends in education law. Mr. Gilsbach has been named a Pennsylvania Super Lawyer by Super Lawyer Magazine in the area of school law. He earned his Juris Doctorate from Dickinson School of Law of the Pennsylvania State University and his BA in Political Science from Messiah College.

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