AGA 2016 Professional Development Training


Joseph Jordan

Joseph Jordan
FedBid, Inc.

Joe Jordan is a recognized leader in government procurement, supply chain management and a long-time advocate for small businesses. Joe’s career spans nearly two decades of senior government roles and positions in both established global businesses and small successful startups. Joe Jordan is recognized for overseeing the largest reduction in contract spending in history during his time as Administrator for OFPP and drove the government’s largest improvement in small business contracting while Associate Administrator of SBA. Currently as FedBid’s CEO, Joe leads a company that continues to grow in volume and marketplace activity as a result of the unique suite of acquisition services and dynamic competition it provides. Focused on driving greater efficiency and savings in procurement processes for Buyers, under Joe’s leadership the company has continued to create increased opportunity for Sellers, in particular small business Sellers, to compete and win in government and private sector contracting markets.

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