2018 NSC Congress & Expo


Warren Brown

Warren Brown

Co-founder of the Kittyhawk Section and Chapter he served as vice-president/treasurer, president, delegate, strategic planner and SPY chairman. The Kittyhawk Chapter received a Chapter Achievement Award during his presidency. He was selected "Safety Professional of the Year" by the ASSE All Ohio Council (1987) and ASSE Region VII (1988-89). He was elected ASSE Region VII vice president 1989 - 1993 and 1997 - 2001. He completed two terms as vice president of Professional Development in 2005. He is currently president-elect of the ASSE and will be president 2008-2009. As a National Safety Council volunteer he served as general chairman of the Electronic and Electrical Section, chairman of the Engineering Standing Committee and chairman of the Business and Industry Procedures Committee. He is program chair of the Ergonomics Committee and is a member of the AMPS Section. He received the NSC’s "Distinguished Service to Safety" award in 1992. He is on the Society of Ohio Safety Engineers’ Pattern for Progress Committee, Past President - Ohio Valley Section of AIHA and is current chair of the National AIHA Confined Space Committee. He serves on the Board of Directors of the Dayton Miami Valley Safety Council, and was chairman in 1980-81. He was elected to a 6 year term on the governing board of the Institute for Safety and Health Management in 2007. He holds a BS in Industrial Technology from Ohio University, MBA from the University of Dayton and an ARM from the Insurance Institute of America. In 1988, he was named a General Motors "Safety Fellow", the highest General Motors individual safety award.

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