ASD Market Week August 2018


Jeffrey Erdheim

Jeffrey Erdheim
Executive Vice President
P/Kaufmann Home

"Jeffrey Erdheim has been in the Home Textile Industry for over 35 years. Over the course of his career, Jeffrey has sourced, developed product, and managed the importing of manufactured products. He was the original founder of Jeffrey Fabrics and now operated by P Kaufmann, one of the largest decorative fabric company based in New York City which offers products such as bedding, window products, tabletop and slipcovers. Jeffrey Home, a division of P Kaufmann which is now PK Home offer their own brands as well as operate their own private label manufacturing based overseas. The brands include Laundry by for Shelli Segal, Rachel Ray Home and Rose Tree. They service retailers such as Crate and Barrel, Pottery Barn, Bed Bath and Beyond , Wal-Mart and Kohl's and also catalogues, .com and flash sites. "

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