Sheep Show 2019


Dustin Diefenderfer

Dustin Diefenderfer

MTNtough Fitness Lab

MTNTOUGH Fitness Lab was founded by Dustin Diefenderfer to help individuals become more mentally tough, believing this is the key for them to reach their specific personal and professional goals. “Ever since I was young, I noticed certain people had something others didn’t. I wanted to know how they got it… and how to help other people get it. That’s why I built MTNTOUGH Fitness Lab. To be the best in the world at mental toughness...Ultimately, so our customers can have a better life.” Dustin’s areas of expertise include ultra running, mountain and hunting conditioning. Dustin has completed numerous ultra marathons and marathons, running 12 marathons in one year to support his work in Africa. He has spent his entire life pursuing his passions in the mountains of the Western United States. “Hunting has always been my passion and backcountry hunting has tested my mental toughness like nothing else, and without a doubt has made me a better man." Dustin is a National Academy of Sports Medicine Certified Personal Trainer. His overall philosophy is based on work ethic, grit and helping his clients learn to be comfortable being uncomfortable. “The goal isn't to look fit, the goal is to actually be fit. Endurance and resilience is what we are after...and most importantly resilience of the mind. If you work for it, looking better will certainly happen, but forging an unbeatable mind is the primary objective. It is about training your mind so that it is on your side, not working against you.”

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