FBNC 2019


Merit Gest

Merit Gest
Speaker, Founder
Merit-based Sales and Leadership

Merit Gest, CSP, is the Founder of Merit-based Sales & Leadership, author of Myth Shift: Challenging The Truths That Sabotage Success and creator of The Merit Method: 3 Day Retreat for a Lifetime of Sales Mastery experience. With more than 20 years of sales, sales management, coaching, training, consulting, writing and speaking experience, she has worked with more than 1000 clients across 80+ industries teaching her three part Merit Method process for sales mastery; Mindset, Mechanics and Motion. She is certified in Emotional Intelligence and earned the highest designation in The National Speakers Association, one held by less than 12% of speakers worldwide, The Certified Speaking Professional, CSP. Based in Denver, CO, Gest has mastered the art of the eye roll thanks to her teenage son and escapes the challenge of single parenting with trips to the spa and performing stand-up comedy. To get your free weekly "Myth Shift Moment with Merit" on Mondays, go to www.MeritGest.com

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