2016 Seatrade Cruise Global


Kyriakos (Kerry) Anastassiadis

Kyriakos (Kerry) Anastassiadis
Celestyal Cruises

Kyriakos (Kerry) Anastassiadis is the CEO of Louis Cruises and also a member of the Executive Committee of CLIA (Cruise Lines International Association) Europe. Prior to joining Louis Cruises, Kerry distinguished himself as General Manager, CEO and President at renowned corporations such as The Coca-Cola Company, Procter & Gamble, Polaroid and Aujan Industries. With Greek and English being his mother tongues, Mr. Anastassiadis is also fluent in French, Italian and Portuguese. Born in the Democratic Republic of Congo and raised in Southern Africa, Kerry studied Commerce at the University of Witwatersrand and obtained a postgraduate title in Market Research and Advertising.

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