2016 Seatrade Cruise Global


Pierfrancesco Vago

Pierfrancesco Vago
Chairman / Executive Chairman
CLIA Europe / MSC Cruises

Pierfrancesco Vago is the Executive Chairman of MSC Cruises, and leads the company’s ongoing expansion from its Geneva-based headquarters while overseeing all MSC Group subsidiaries with strategic relevance to the tourism sector. Mr Vago entered the MSC group in 2000, piloting a joint venture between the Italian ferry company SNAV and the Hoverspeed Seacontainer Group. In 2001 he rose to the position of MSC cargo Line Manager for the USA, Mexico and Canada. From 2004 until September 2013 he served as CEO of MSC Cruises, driving the company’s rapid growth of 800% in the 10 years between 2003 and 2013, before becoming Executive Chairman. On 1 January 2014 he was also appointed Chairman of CLIA Europe, the principle cruise industry association in Europe.

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